Le Blues de la Mancha
Duration: 55mm
For all ages, from 6 years old
With: Martin BdM, Eloise Alibi, Mathilde Sebald and Damien Gaumet
Direction: Mathilde Sebald et Damien Gaumet
Artistic participants: Jeff Thiébaut , Arian Miluka, Nicolas Bernard
Costumes: Luca Paddeu & Clémentine Chevalier
Construction: Pierre Garabiol, Armand Barbet, Damien Gaumet, Mathilde Sebald
As «le Blues de la Mancha» will adapt the myth of Don Quijote into the fairground atmosphere of the early 20th century, nearly 400 years after Cervantès wrote his
story, we will keep close to the original style: a humorous work full of satirical social comment.
Our performance, through the tools of circus, will give new aspects to this story and will enable us to use circus objects in the most outrageous way: A giant mill,
flying barrels, tooth-extractors, epic and comic duals, and most of all, excessive disequilibrium until all sense is lost.
A dizzy flying show such as we like to do at Cirque Hirsute.
Production: Association du Boulon Manquant, Cirque Hirsute
Coproduction: Circomad, Cirko Vertigo
With the support of: conseil général de la Drôme, conseil régional Rhône Alpes, Fiacre, DRAC Rhône Alpes, Spedidam, Adami, Gare à Coulisse, Cascade, Grainerie,
Cirko Vertigo